Bwr Plywood

MR Plywood
MR Plywood MR Plywood

Boiling Water Resistant (BWR Grade-Phenol Bonded) Plywood

Architwood BWR Plywood is bonded with high Quality Phenol Formaldehyde Resin. It is the only one of its kind to be made by pre-pressing, where each veneer is treated with preservatives prior to pressing, ensuring uniform distribution of moisture and adhesive. The result is a high quality ply that can resist boiling water , cold water, climate variations, powder and termite attacks. It does not delaminate even when immersed in boiling water for more than Eight hours. It is ideal for use in hot, humid and moist locations.

Areas of Application

Ideal for Exterior and Interior applications like Furniture and Fixtures, Woodwork in Kitchens and Bathrooms.
S.No. Test I.S. : 303 Requirement Architwood Results
1. Moisture Content 5-15% 8-10%
2. Glue Adhesion Test Three test specimens of size 250mm x 100mm shall be prepared and submerged in water at 60 +/- 2 Centigrade for Three Hours and then Dryed for Eight Hours at a temperature of 65 +/- 2 Centigrade followed by Two more cycles and then tested as per IS:1734 (Part 5) 3 cycles carried out.
No delamination observed.
Excellent Bonding.
3. Modulus of Elasticity Across the Grains - Average 2000 N/mm2

2800 N/mm2

4. Resistance to Min. Pass standards Excellent

